mercoledì, giugno 25, 2008
genre- award

La fonte dice di non sapere se è una notizia vera o falsa.
inizio SPOILER--- Riassumendo dice che il volt di Piccolo durante la prima parte del film ,sarà quello di James, perchè il personaggi ocerca di restare anonimo. Nella seconda parte si trasforma e sarà molto simile al personaggio del manga. Ma non avrà le antenne e il colore sarà più sul verde giallino simile a quello di una testa di tartaruga, il suo costume è nero e ha uno stile arabico. Dice altre cose riguardo ad alcune scene, ma ora non ho tempo per tradurre mi spiace ho messo la perte che interessava maggiormente Jamesfine spoiler
“io amo Spike. Volevo lui recitasse nel ruolo di Shinzon in Nemesis!” Parole di: Abbie Bernstein
This movie has a lot of heart, and successfully combines romance, comedy, grief, and sadness with a talented cast. The supporting cast doesn’t get enough screen time. It includes Lisa Kudrow and Gina Gershon as Holly’s best friends Denise and Sharon, who provide most of the comedy. Kathy Bates plays Holly’s mother Patricia, and one of my favorite actors, James Marsters, is woefully underused as Sharon’s husband John and Gerry’s best friend. Gerry is portrayed by Gerard Butler, who doesn’t have much screen time since he dies very early in the film, but he narrates it, so his presence is felt, and he does a great job doing so.
I must mention that there’s a little nod to Buffy The Vampire Slayer when Holly is choosing a new career. She has different careers written out on boards, and Gerry’s voice is heard saying, “Vampire Slayer is not a valid career!” Swank had a role in the movie Buffy The Vampire Slayer, while James Marsters played Spike the vampire in Buffy The Vampire Slayer for six seasons and later its spin-off Angel. As a huge Buffy fan, I got a kick out of that, and it’s a funny scene in the movie, made even funnier if you know the connection.
Esendoci molte star saranno divise in due gruppi Best Recurring Guest Star (con 3o più episodi) e Best Guest Star (1 o 2 Episodi).
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